Messaging platform Telegram has begun rolling out its new “Telegram Business” features, according to a post by Telegram founder Pavel Durov on his official channel.
The initial batch allows users to convert their personal accounts to business profiles, enabling features like location and hour displays, chat organization with color labels, and automated greetings and replies.
However, Durov hints at more significant changes to come. “This is just the start,” he writes, mentioning features that will “revolutionize how people interact with chatbots.”
One such feature involves businesses seamlessly integrating chatbots as “invisible secretaries” to manage chats. These AI-powered assistants are expected to significantly enhance customer service automation.
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Durov also announced the release of new Bot APIs for developers, all free of charge, later this month. These APIs, coupled with the upcoming features, suggest a focus on empowering businesses and developers within the Telegram ecosystem.
While specific details remain under wraps, Telegram’s move signals its intent to compete more aggressively in the business communication space. The “invisible secretary” chatbot concept, if executed effectively, could potentially redefine customer service experiences within the platform.
With more features promised “this season,” Telegram appears poised to shake things up in the coming months, and it will be interesting to see how businesses and developers leverage these new functionalities.
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