All over the globe, WhatsApp is the most popular messaging service with over two billion monthly active users adopting the app service on their devices. One key feature that stands out on the app is the status update.
Much as they disappear in 24 hours, WhatsApp status updates are the easiest way to let your close friends and contacts of your on-goings — through photos, videos, GIFs, text, and even emojis.
WhatsApp has been working to offer more on the status and the latest development spells something exciting. With a set of new features, you are set to express yourself and connect with your contacts even easier.
Let’s dive into them.
Voice Status
Imagine no longer having to just post a photo of the birthday baby with an emoji or text, but also going on to sing the “happy birthday” song to them on status!
Yes! WhatsApp is introducing the ability to record and share voice messages up to 30 seconds on WhatsApp status. Voice status can be used for sending more personal updates, especially if you feel more comfortable expressing yourself by talking rather than typing.
Status Reactions
The app is also adding status reactions to provide a quick and easy way to respond to status updates from your friends and close contacts. Apparently, this was the leading feature that users asked for, right from when the Reactions feature was launched last year.
In teh new update, you can now quickly reply to any status by swiping up and tapping on one of eight emojis. You can of course still reply to a status with text, voice message, stickers and more.
Private Audience Selector
Sometimes, you might wish for some peopple to see your status update. It could be that you are hiding the update from them or you are planning a surprise.
Well, WhatsApp is providing you with the flexibility to update your privacy settings per status so you can choose who views your status each time you update it. Your most recent audience selection will be saved and used as the default for your next status.
Status Profile Rings for New Updates
When someone updates their status, a ring will be present around their profile picture whenever to let you know of this. It will also be visible in the chat lists, group participant lists, and contact info.
Link Previews on Status
WhatsApp is also making it easy to preview your status visually. In the new update, when you post a link on your status, you’ll automatically see a visual preview of the link content, just like when you send a message. This makes your statuses look better, and also give your contacts a better idea of what the link is before they click.
When will they be available? WhatsApp says the updates have “started rolling out to users globally and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks.”