Circular Vs rectangular smartwatches: Which one do you prefer?

    The Apple Watch is the most popular smartphone ever which definitely means that smartwatches are here to stay. The last couple of months have been pretty huge for smartwatches. Google unveiled its Wear OS 3 with the help of Samsung, whose next-gen Galaxy Watch4 series is the best it’s ever been after Samsung ditched its Tizen Operating System.

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    Meanwhile, we got our first glimpse of the Apple Watch Series 7 this week, when Apple launched the iPhone 13 series and will no doubt become the highest-selling smartwatch of 2022. Current smartwatch design comes two radically different design philosophies, and it has us wondering about future designs for Wear OS-powered gadgets.

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    Although a handful of older Android-compatible smartwatches used square designs, most modern watches have stuck to a style first established by the original Moto 360 way back in 2014. Samsung’s Galaxy Watch4, Mobvoi’s TicWatch Pro 3, and Fossil’s entire lineup of smartwatches all use circular displays, setting themselves apart from the Apple Watch as much as possible. While that might keep you from getting mistaken for an Apple Watch owner, round screens come with their own set of drawbacks. So today we ask in a poll, Circular Vs rectangular smartwatches which one do you prefer? Fill in the poll below.

    Rectangular smartwatches offer extra screen real estate which allows for more information to be shown on your wrist, whether it’s text messages, weather forecasts, or navigation. Thanks to Apple people have now adjusted to the idea of square wearables. Rectangular trackers might’ve looked nerdy last decade, but these days, it’s a lot easier to pass off.

    So now it’s our readers’ turn to choose. Are you happy with the current lineup of mostly-rounded displays, or do you wish for something a little more in line with Apple or Fitbit? Maybe smartwatches are not the thing for you and don’t plan to buy these wearable gadgets. So feel free to vote in the poll above.

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    Roger Bambino
    Roger Bambino
    The love for gadgets and technology is deeply rooted in his DNA, he is a blogger and really obsessed with cool devices. Roger is the EIC at Techjaja and also he loves creepy movies, and takes you very, very seriously. May be!!

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