X, formerly known as Twitter, has introduced a new way of communication by allowing audio and video calling features on its platform for both iOS and Android users. This update comes after the initial release on iOS in October, with Android users now able to experience the much-anticipated functionality.
The basics of this new feature reveal that premium subscribers hold the key to making audio and video calls, while all accounts, regardless of subscription status, can receive calls. The user has control over who can reach them through Direct Message Settings, with default settings allowing calls from followed accounts or those in the address book.
Additionally, a prior Direct Message exchange is required for initiating calls, and Android users must have push notifications enabled to receive call notifications.
X’s move into audio and video calling brings it in line with other popular platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Signal. The introduction of these features enhances user engagement and provides an additional layer of communication beyond the traditional text-based messages.
Premium subscription exclusivity for outbound calls not only adds value for subscribers but also serves as an incentive for potential new premium users.
Managing calls
The user-friendly interface allows users to initiate calls by tapping on the envelope icon, navigating to the desired DM conversation, and choosing between audio or video calls.
During calls, users have various controls, such as switching cameras, turning off speaker mode, muting, and ending the call. These options provide a seamless and interactive calling experience for users on both iOS and Android.
Controlling who can call you
X empowers users to control their call privacy by allowing customization of settings. By tapping the envelope icon and accessing message settings, users can enable or disable audio and video calling.
Furthermore, users can choose who is allowed to call them, whether it’s limited to contacts in their address book, those they follow, or verified users, offering a personalized and secure calling experience.
Enhanced call privacy
X introduces an enhanced call privacy setting to protect users’ privacy further. By default, IP addresses are hidden during calls, ensuring a secure communication environment. Users have the option to toggle this setting on or off based on their preferences, providing an additional layer of control over their digital footprint.