In a changing world, healthcare is becoming more digital. This means that technology is being used more to improve healthcare services. This is especially important in places where the infrastructure is not very advanced yet.
One area that needs improvement is the cleanliness of healthcare facilities. This is a big concern and needs attention.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), half of the global health facilities lack basic hygiene essentials like water, soap, or alcohol-based hand rubs at crucial care points and toilets. This deficiency places an estimated 3.85 billion individuals at a higher risk of infections. The need for a solution is urgent and pressing.
Stepping into the arena to tackle this challenge head-on is Chil Femtech Center Inc., with its pioneering initiative – the launch of Africa’s first E-Hygiene Shop. This online platform engineered to augment the hygiene standards in Chil’s partner health facilities scattered across the African continent.
The E-Hygiene Shop, crafted on an E-pharmacy blueprint, is a conduit for an array of medically endorsed hygiene products from globally acknowledged producers like Reckitt. This digital platform has initially been unrolled for Chil’s associated rural clinics and school sickbays, albeit with a blueprint to broaden its outreach to other healthcare facilities in the foreseeable future.
The rationale behind this avant-garde initiative is straightforward yet profound. Dr. Shamim Nabuuma, the co-founder and CEO of Chil Femtech Center, underscored the essence of this venture by stating, “It is unacceptable for a patient to walk into a health facility for treatment, only to contract an additional ailment due to inadequate hygiene standards. Our E-Hygiene Shop is a bold step towards ensuring that patients receive care in infection-free environments, which is pivotal for their complete recovery.”
Additionally, the E-Hygiene Shop embodies a flexible ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ scheme, a thoughtful feature enabling health facilities to swiftly elevate their hygiene standards sans financial bottlenecks.
This progressive step aligns seamlessly with Chil Femtech Center’s unwavering commitment to arming partner health facilities with the indispensable technology and resources to parallel the standards of world-class health facilities nestled in urban locales.
Chil Femtech Center isn’t new to the domain of blending technology with healthcare. As a B2B Hub and Spoke Telemedicine service provider, it leverages the might of Artificial Intelligence to bridge the healthcare accessibility chasm in underserved territories.
Read About: CHIL Femtech Launches HealthCare Tech for African Schools