When applying for a passport in Uganda, you will have to fill in fresh forms even when your details are already captured by NIRA. This is about to change, as the government has invested over $ 3.8 million in the new UGHub software integration platform–a computer system that will enable government departments to see the same information. The system will quicken service delivery to citizens through faster process and shorter queues, in a reliable efficient and sustainable manner.
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“Supposing you are applying for a passport, your information can be picked by the new system of Ministry of Internal Affairs directly from NIRA. All you would have done is to provide your NIN all other information about you is picked and the ministry can quickly process your passport” said Jame Kabajo Chairman Board of Directors NITA-U at the launch.
UGHub will also enable hospitals, government agencies, and banks to serve citizens without the need of carrying around a physical ID. The system will also help law enforcement and judiciary track criminal cases right from police to DPP, judiciary, and also prisons. The platform will improve reporting and transparency while fighting corruption and removing illegal middle men from basic services
NITA-U has automated the process and all the users have to do is sit behind their computer and fill in a form to access a service. UGHub will also help eliminate middlemen in the lands ministry, now you will be able to search for your land title on the spot without the need to line up or use a middleman. With COVID-19 vaccination taking place, even if you lose the physical card, the new system should enable verify your status with less hustle.