In January 2018, Tecno mobile teased the launch of its Camon CM smartphone which had sweet specifications ushering a clear path for the Camon X and X pro a few months down the road. With Black Friday teasing massive discounts on Tecno smartphones, the Transsion holdings brand has kept a promising portion in Africa with head to head competition from the top-tier releases. However, we compiled up a list of the best Tecno smartphones released in 2018 with the latest Android versions shipped to these.
Camon X/X Pro
In April this year, we got a copy of the flagship seeker branded as the Camon X pro in one joint review. Unlike the device predecessor with a CM flag, the Camon X out performed our expectations with its high resolution back and front cameras. More so, this is the best 2018 Tecno release before the Phantom 9 awakes from its prolonged teaser quake.
Camon CM
As the first full display smartphone with a 16:9 aspect ratio by Tecno in 2018, Tecno Mobile’s Camon CM is a sleek design smartphone that qualifies to be a great companion with its specifications speaking out loud for it. Additionally, the Camon CM was a smartphone built one step ahead of the CX and its sleek design can be closely compared to the top-notch Infinix S3x.
Tecno Spark K9 plus
When Tecno mobile released its Spark smartphone, it took up a timely slot on top of the trends as one of the most searched smartphones. However, this glowed up paving way for Infinix’s Note 5 smartphone, Likewise, the Spark Plus came up as an upgrade of the original spark raging in the price notes of the newer spark 2. By the same fashion, both these smartphones are still great options below $150 for those who mayn’t prefer to own a Camon series smartphone like the next in line notched Camon 11.
Tecno Spark 2
If you love a great mid-range smartphone at a relatively low price, the Tecno Spark 2 could be your perfect choice retailing at UGX 450,000 in several outlets. We received a copy of the Tecno Spark 2 and Its first impressions are beyond what we expected of a Spark series device since it raves up a step beyond the original Tecno Spark smartphone.